Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policy

State takes a ‘zero tolerance’ approach towards all forms of bribery and corruption and is committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships in all jurisdictions in which it operates.

The Company’s Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy provides information on policies, procedures and controls to address and manage bribery and corruption risks that may arise in the course of business. All employees, business associates, and third parties are required to uphold the highest standards of professional integrity and ethical conduct at all times when performing business transactions and comply with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption (MACC) Act 2009, subsequent amendments to the Act and all guidelines issued by relevant authorities pertaining to the same.

1. Solicitation, Bribery and Corruption

Employees are refrain, directly or indirectly, to solicit, pay, offer, accept or receive a bribe in any form in connection with any business or anticipated future business involving State.

Employees are strictly not allowed to:

  1. Promise, offer, pay or give a bribe to anyone
  2. Request, accept or take a bribe from anyone
  3. Act corruptly and illegally in dealings with any person
  4. Give some advantage inconsistent with law and wrongful or unlawful use of official position to procure some benefit or personal gain

2. Business Courtesies

Business courtesies such as gifts, entertainment or hospitality, whether given or received, are allowed only to foster goodwill and strengthen business relationships, provided they are not lavish, appropriate and aligned with the business and industry practice.

Employees are expected to use discretion and adhere to the guidelines outlined in the Company’s policy on exchange of business gifts.

3. Donations and Sponsorship

As a responsible corporate citizen, State is committed to contributing to the wellbeing of the community in the country. It is however important that all donations and sponsorships are made in accordance with State’s policies and receive prior authorization by State’s Management or the Board of Directors.

Donations and sponsorships are not to be used as a means for bribery.

All donations and sponsorships must comply with the following:

  • ensure such contributions are appropriate, legal and ethical under applicable laws and practices
  • will not result in any conflict of interest
  • they are not made to secure any improper business or other advantage
  • they have been subjected to due diligence and management approvals
  • be accurately stated in the Company’s accounting books and records

No political donations or payments are allowed.


In our commitment to openness and transparency, we have set up a reliable and accessible channel for State employees, members of the public and all third parties engaged by State to confidentially disclose or report any concerns regarding bribery, corruption, or suspected misconduct. All disclosures or reports can be channelled via email to us at [email protected].